net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By Leonieke van Dipten, January 22, 2016
We are manufactured and produced by corporate social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, so that our increasingly predictable behavior can generate ever more targeted ads. As Facebook ’employees’ we are to agree with the use of our personal data, we are asked to keep our contact information up to date and we are [...]
By Vera van de Nieuwenhof, November 20, 2015
By Eric Kluitenberg Yesterday afternoon a large group of family, friends, colleagues and co-travellers in free spirit said goodbye to Remko Scha, distinguished professor in computer linguistics, machine artist, composer and co-founder of the Institute of Artificial Art Amsterdam (IAAA). A dreary day at the ‘Nieuwe Ooster’ cemetery befitting for this sad occasion. It was [...]
By Vera van de Nieuwenhof, November 10, 2015
The Institute of Network Cultures is hiring interns from 15 January (0.8 fte) for a period of 3-6 months. INC is looking for talented interns with writing, research and production skills for the production of events and overall project management support. We are looking for an enthusiastic, energetic, inquisitive and precise (former) student with knowledge [...]
At OnlineOpen Michael Seemann writes about Kontrollverlust. Seemann studied cultural science in Lüneburg, Germany. In 2010 he started – a blog about theorie of losing control over data in the internet. It started as a blog project of the the German Newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) and was later run individually. In 2014 the latter [...]
By Leonieke van Dipten, November 9, 2015
Is the best place to hide a dead body page 2 of Google search results? INC is happy to announce the third longform: The effect of the List, by Nikos Voyiatzis. You can find and read the latest longform here. Nikos Voyiatzis’ (Athens, 1982) work explores information organization in its political and aesthetic dimensions, particularly [...]
By jessvanzyl, October 29, 2015
The talk opened with an audience survey: How many people felt positive about the future? About 50%. And how many people, as designers, felt they could influence the future? Hands lowered – about 20%. Recently, I attended the UX Conference PUSH 2015 in Munich. One talk in particular struck a dystopian chord with me and [...]
By Vera van de Nieuwenhof, October 20, 2015
Internship with Publishing Lab (in Dutch) Weinig dingen hebben het journalistieke landschap de laatste tijd zo opgeschud als de controverse rond AdBlockers. Wat betekent het steeds verder doorgedrongen gebruik van AdBlockers voor de media? Moeten AdBlockers verboden worden of juist afgeschaft? Zijn er ook creatievere oplossingen te bedenken? En wat vindt het publiek er eigenlijk [...]
By Vera van de Nieuwenhof, October 19, 2015
We’re happy to announce the publication of the 10th Network Notebook: The Internet Revolution by Richard Barbrook. It is available online through Issuu, but you can also order your hardcopy here. About this publication: Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron’s The Californian Ideology, originally published in 1995 by Mute magazine and the nettime mailinglist, is the [...]
By Vera van de Nieuwenhof, October 18, 2015
A review (in Dutch) of INC publication The Volkskrant Building: Manufacturing Difference in Amsterdam’s Creative City by Bart Stuart and Klaar van der Lippe of Mister Motley There are still some hardcopy issues available, you can order them or download the digital version here
By Geert Lovink, October 11, 2015
Beyond withdrawal and asylum – an urgent call for European cosmopolitism. By Gérard Wormser Europe’s conservatism and nationalist fallback has ended up in begetting its oposite. Will the Syrian refugees’ exodus result in the policy shift that is necessary lest Europe becomes against its own will the last resort of persecuted populations? Now, billions of Euros [...]