net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By patricia, May 8, 2014
INC PRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENT and COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP The INC is hiring an intern with demonstrated production skills. The intern will be involved in the new INC research project MyCreativity#2, and assists with general office operations. Start date: September 1 – December 19 2014 with a possible extension to February 1 2015. 0.8 FT (4 days a [...]
By Miriam Rasch, April 23, 2014
</Institute of Network Cultures is proud to present INC Reader #9, Society of the Query: Reflections on Web Search, edited by René König and Miriam Rasch. Order a copy of the print book, read online, or download the pdf for free! Read the Introduction to the book here. About the book: Looking up something online [...]
By Miriam Rasch, April 22, 2014
‘Waarom laten we het nadenken over onze toekomstige samenleving over aan politici? Waarom bestaat er geen serieuze internationale top voor intellectuelen?’ Met die inzet vond 18 april de ‘G8 van de filosofie’ plaats in de Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. Zygmund Bauman, Peter Sloterdijk, Aziz Al-Azmeh, Benjamin Barber, Damon Young, John Gray, Markus Gabriel en [...]
By Daniel de Zeeuw, April 16, 2014
I recently visited Mediamatic Factory in order to preview its “Faceless” exhibition, which included a tour by the curator. Parallel to the exhibition, various interesting events took place, amongst which: a Facial Weaponization Suite and Computer Security workshop, and an evening of lectures by various artists and theorists. Not untimely We all remember [...]
By Miriam Rasch, March 27, 2014
Bijdrage van Mieke Gerritzen, directeur MOTI, Museum of the Image in Breda Het gaat goed met het Stedelijk Museum. Het museum trekt massa’s bezoekers, en dat is voor de Amsterdamse gemeente en het museum zelf waarschijnlijk het belangrijkste doel. De badkuip heeft zijn status bereikt, het Museumplein is dé toeristentrekplijster van Amsterdam en het maakt [...]
By Geert Lovink, March 3, 2014
Published February 28th, 2014, in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany (original here). Unauthorized translation by Florian Cramer. Hans Magnus Enzensberger: Defend Yourselves! For those who aren’t nerds, hackers or cryptographers and have better things to do than keep up with the pitfalls of digitalization every hour, there are ten simple rules to resist exploitation and surveillance: [...]
By Miriam Rasch, February 17, 2014
Read online, download the PDF or order a print copy at Lulu! Transcoding the Digital: How Metaphors Matter in New Media by Marianne van den Boomen is a material-semiotic inquiry into the constitutive role of metaphors in our daily encounters with computers and networks. While interface concepts such as desktop and windows are easily recognized [...]
By Miriam Rasch, February 13, 2014
‘For children searching the internet is like riding a roller coaster in an amusement park. How to choose one’s own route and get useful hits when searching? How to avoid delay and distraction? How to distinguish between nonsense and reliable resources? It’s hard for adults, but even harder for children.’ Children’s Information – Who Cares? [...]
By Miriam Rasch, January 27, 2014
Doe mee met de Wikipedia-schrijfmiddag (‘edit-a-thon’) over kunst en feminisme! Wikipedia’s ‘vrouwenkwestie’ is goed gedocumenteerd: in een onderzoek uitgevoerd door Wikimedia Nederland in 2013, bleek dat maar 6% van de bewerkers van de Nederlandse Wikipedia vrouw is. De inhoud van Wikipedia wordt scheef door het gebrek aan participatie van vrouwen. Vele artikelen over opmerkelijke vrouwen [...]
By martaburugorri, January 23, 2014
Video Vortex interviewed artist Ursula Endlicher. Ursula experiments with user behaviour from Social Media and looks into the very architecture of the Web itself. For instance, she translates html language or social media terms into movement and creates online video libraries and visual alphabets. In this interview through skype and edited following Ursula’s ideas, she [...]