net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By sabine, June 16, 2005
Multistakeholderism needs evaluation, often this happens in focus groups. The session is build up as a focus group, a discussion on the issue of Multistakeholderism. Below some statements that were being made during the session…
(APC, South Africa) Final Statement
(One World, Kenya): Mobile technology – A tool for Development?
(University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Internet in the Slums. Discussion with Geert and Tracey.
(African Civil Society for the Information Society, Nigeria): The mirage of South – South cooperation in ICT4D
By sabine, June 15, 2005
(Sarai New Media Initiative, India) Forgetting Development: Cybermohalla Practices and Information Networks.
Welcome by Tracey Naughton who is the chair of this opening session. She is announced as a WSIS media critic and presents herself as a free lance development worker which specializes in communication from development. Partha Pratim Sarker unfortunately could not be here tonight.
Moving WEE up the Ladder of Lansink: innovative approaches to waste prevention through software, hardware, and financial interventions. Overview of the INCOMMUNICADO Session The INCOMMUNICADO session is the first of three “discussion meetings” with interested stakeholders and those with experience in thinking about and working on these kinds of issues. The more general discussion meeting [...]
By sabine, June 14, 2005
BERICHT Drie maal nieuw: Eerste afstudeerders Media Lab Amsterdam Amsterdam, 14 juni 2005 Vrijdag 17 juni vanaf 14.00 uur presenteren studenten van het Media Lab Amsterdam de eerste resultaten van een jaar werken in het Media Lab Amsterdam. Dat is in drie opzichten nieuw: er ligt een uniek onderwijskundig concept aan ten grondslag, het zijn [...]