net critique blog by Geert Lovink
By sabine, October 13, 2004
By Sabine Niederer Under Delusion, Maartje Fliervoet, ‘t Hoogt Utrecht Yesterday evening (October 12, 2004) Amsterdam based video artist and photographer Maartje Fliervoet guided a crowd through here constructed misty worlds, inspired by cinema classics like Les Temps du Loup (Michael Haneke 2003), Il Deserto Rosso (Antonioni 1964) and Solyaris (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972). Ruud Bakker, [...]
First slide of Rob van Kranenburg’s presentation (October 13, 2004) on E-culture in the Netherlands. Quotes from ads (varying from shampoo ads to internet shopping ads) all focusing on ‘safety’. Image by Serena Williams
Globalisation, academic flexibility and the right to research: A call for a European network of precarious/temporary researchers and for the free circulation of knowledge.
By sabine, October 12, 2004
By Rob van Kranenburg As I walk up to the check-in at Capetown Airport, the man looking at my documents nods and says: I have only one question, I saw you writing a long letter on your computer, what were you writing? Oh, I said, you will like it. It is about how amazed I [...]
As seen in Redfern Sydney the day after the Howard government got re-elected for a fourth term. (Geert)
By sabine, October 8, 2004
The second speaker in the (Dutch spoken) lecture series Nieuwe Media in Nederland (New Media in the Netherlands), was Arjen Mulder (October 8, 2004). Arjen Mulder had the assignment to speak about interactivity in Dutch architecture, and focus specifically on the work of Dutch architect Lars Spuybroek (Nox Architects). Arjen Mulder, being both a biologist [...]
By sabine, October 6, 2004 & A Decade of Web Design We would like to invite you to contribute to the online collective web design history timeline. This project wants to map your first encounters with the world wide web. It is part of a larger project entitled A Decade of Webdesign that culminates into an international conference in [...]
By sabine, October 5, 2004
By Geert Lovink People love events. They can't get enough of all the offline events on offer. Like festivals, conferences are venues where you can meet future collaborators, debate ideas and artworks, party intensely, get inspired, provoked, learn, make new friends, and then occasionally carry on the dialogue in the sauna.
By sabine, October 4, 2004
By Sabine Niederer The theme of this years’ Ars Electronica Festival was TIMESHIFT: The World in Twenty-Five Years. Ars Electronica got to celebrate her 25th birthday, and took the opportunity to reflect on the (recent) past and to look into future of digital arts and culture. Language of Networks The TIMESHIFT conference was preceded by [...]
By sabine, October 1, 2004
The first lecture in the (Dutch spoken) series Nieuwe Media in Nederland (new media in the Netherlands) was held on September 29, by Arie Altena. Altena held an inspiring lecture on ‘hypertext beyond hypertext and literature beyond literature’. His starting point were the promises and dreams of Internet literature in the nineties. Floppydisc novels (such [...]